Firmwide Language Audits: Self-scouting for business

Get an independent review of your firm’s English-language processes and output with Scottish Accent’s ground-breaking Firmwide Language Audits. Our purpose-built team will review your operations and web presence in English and propose an array of language solutions to boost your company’s international profile.

  • A cross-departmental language QA tool.

  • Expertise with multilingual documents (English, Czech, Italian, Spanish, Slovak)

  • Immediate steps to boost your online presence

  • Executive English coaching that is relevant to your business

  • High-value editing by a native-English speaker with Czech market expertise

  • Monitoring of your firm’s English-language performance over time

More than a native English-speaking editor or proofreader:

Scottish Accent analyses your firm’s communicative strengths and weaknesses to deliver a global stakeholder outreach strategy:

“Oh, would some Power give us the gift
To see ourselves as others see us!”

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!

— Robert Burns

Audit your firm’s English in 3 simple steps:

In three simple steps, you’ll have a firmwide language development plan tailored to your business goals, processes and strategies.


Analyse your English-language production to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your communication with international clients.

Working with you on site or remotely, we’ll assess areas such as your web presence, marketing, training, know-how and business development.

Each business is different, so we’ll sit down with you at the beginning to discuss which operations and staff are key to delivering an effective audit.


At the end of this evaluation process, we’ll give you a detailed breakdown on your company’s English-language performance.

Our report will contain general recommendations on areas to improve and will include specific examples of how your business is affected.

Our simple traffic-light system shows you how you fare against your competitors and highlights areas of opportunity in your market.


With your brand strategy in mind, we’ll sit down with you to agree specific actions to elevate your English-language operations.

You can pursue your Action Plan in whatever way suits you, but we’ll happily discuss how our Integrated Language Services can benefit you.

We can then arrange a follow-up plan to ensure that these actions have a tangible impact on your business and on your clients’ business.

Maximise your message and build a genuine Bilingual Business culture at your company.

Post-Audit: Integrated Language Services

Scottish Accent offers a complete range of services to help you deliver your Action Plan, each aimed at enhancing your firm’s English-language production and boosting your international profile.

We’re flexible. So you can choose between a Total Language Package that impacts all areas of your business or a Modular Solution that focuses on strategically selected areas of your operations. It’s entirely up to you.

As your dedicated language partner, we’ll regularly review and update your Action Plan to make sure you stay on track to becoming a truly Bilingual Business. Our dynamic services grow with you, constantly developing new and improved tools aligned to your firm’s development.

Our main concern is excellent firmwide communication in English. To achieve this, we believe front-end improvements (e.g. language editing) should feed back into your firm’s production processes through a mixture of high-value exposure, resource management strategies and tailored language coaching. This sets us apart from most language services companies that provide ad hoc proofreading services.

We also work with a network of talented linguists to provide multilingual expertise in Italian, Spanish, Czech, Slovak and other languages, enabling you to more effectively target a wider and more diverse audience.

We offer an array of comprehensive and standalone services:


Bring your news, views and ideas to life with our Creative Advantage service. We adapt your English & foreign-language texts to the demands of an international audience and local markets with hard-hitting content packaged in a compact, tone-perfect format.


Your English-language website is the global window into your organisation, so it’s important to keep it up to date with quality content. Combine our social media curation and SEO enhancement services with our constant QA monitoring to bring your message to a wider international audience.


We value your in-house linguists. That’s why we want to surround them with technologies and tools that streamline their work, from dynamic glossaries to translation software. We also offer a centralised translation management system for firms that lack an in-house translation capacity.


We believe in the value of a tailored, one-to-one approach to language development. We work with your key personnel to pinpoint specific areas for improvement in their writing skills and monitor their progress in their day-to-day work. This approach can also be adapted to small groups.


Our template management and industry glossary services ensure precision, consistency and fluency in all your written materials, laying a truly bilingual foundation for your firm. We can also help you build English-language clause banks and legislation banks for instantly approved language.


As long-time Prague residents active in the international community, we know where English-speaking locals meet and get their news. Our multilingual and journalistic background places us in a privileged position to track and enhance your company’s media coverage.

Why choose Scottish Accent?

  • 1. Professional native-tongue solutions

    As native English speakers, we recognise that we start from a privileged position for targeting international audiences. But what has shaped us is our extensive experience in European and Latin American markets and my cross-sectoral background in industries such as banking, real estate and energy.

  • 2. Our ground-breaking Firmwide Language Audits

    Unlike with an outsourced editor or proofreader, Scottish Accent’s Firmwide Language Audits offer you a total perspective of your English-language operations. By analysing your communicative strengths and weaknesses, you can make key changes to protect your global brand and target an international audience.

  • 3. We're your international market mediator

    UK & US companies often enjoy an in-built advantage due to the quality and breadth of their English-language output. Scottish Accent reverts that trend by combining international expertise with quality native content to place your communications on a par with anything produced in London, Dublin or New York.


For more information or a quote for our ground-breaking Firmwide Language Audits or related services, please drop us a line in the contact form alongside.

For a Translation quote, submit details of your translation request, including word count and deadline, or email the document(s) for translation directly to and we’ll get back to you immediately.

Thank you!